Extra Material Included!
When you purchase this series, not only do you get 6 Complete Outlined/Manuscript Sermons and PowerPoints, but you'll also get Sermon Handouts and the Small Group Video Sessions. Each session takes learners through each message topic. Designed as a "complete do-it-yourself" video study to help small groups apply the healing of the wounded series. Also included: The Small Group Leader Training Video.

Here's a sample of the Small Group Session Videos:

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All 11 Sermons!
"A Life Worth Living" is a verse by verse Expository Teaching Series that covers the entire book of Philippians. Detailing the Apostle Paul's admonition to have the mind of Christ, this innovative series teaches what kind of mind the believer should have in order to experience "A Life Worth Living".
This series includes 11 easy to use sermons in the Outlined Manuscript format that InnovativeWord users love. If you're looking for a way to teach through the Book of Philippians verse by verse, "A Life Worth Living" is perfect for you. Use it as a Sunday Morning Series, for Wednesday or Sunday Night teaching series, or as a Sunday School or Small Group curriculum.
11 Sermons

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Just $22.00
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