Maturity Mathematics is a great discipleship series that helps believers understand what they should add, subtract, multiply, and divide. This innovative series is full of great illustrations, helpful power points, and fully outlined manuscripts for easy editing.The Division message is a powerful stewardship sermon that has helped churches increase their giving up to 30%!
Part 1 - Addition
Part 2 - Subtraction
Part 3 - Multiplication
Part 4 - Division
Download Sermons & Power Points Separately: $4.00 Each

This creative Christmas series gives hope to those who really need to experience the Peace of God during the holiday season. Hectic schedules, frantic buying, and broken relationships threaten the peace we should rest in during Christmas time. Use this series to remind everyone of the angel's promise, "Peace on earth"!
Part 1 - The Fruitcake Zone (Family)
Part 2 - Jingle Bills (Money)
Part 3 - O Come All Ye Failures (Failure)
Download Sermons & Power Points Separately: $4.00 Each

This is a perfect series for saying "Thank You" to some of the most honorable people in your community. "To Whom Honor Is Due" is a series that stresses the importance of recognizing and showing gratitude to those who serve in our communities or have reached a milestone in their own lives. Each sermon covers biblical reasons to honor:
Part 1 - Teachers
Part 2 - Mothers
Part 3 - City Servants
Part 4 - Graduates (Finding Your Own Oz)
Part 5 - Military
Download Sermons & Power Points Separately: $4.00 Each

The word "access" appears only three times in the New Testament. When you study what Believers have access to through faith, you'll discover some areas that are off limits to those who don't have faith. Faith in Jesus Christ provides believers access to God's Grace, God's Provision, God's Vision and God's Victory!
Part 1 - Access To God's Grace
Part 2 - Access To God's Provision
Part 3 - Access To God's Vision
Part 4 - Access To God's Victory
Download Sermons & Power Points Separately: $4.00 Each

This powerful series can bring true biblical revival to your church by helping your people recognize whether they are "flat" or "fizzy". True Carbonated Churches follow the biblical model of church growth found in the Early Church. This series has reportedly helped churches increase their attendance by as much as 50% in just 5 weeks!
Part 1 - Flat
Part 2 - Maximizing Our Fizz
Part 3 - Shaken, Not Stirred
Part 4 - Sharing The Fizz
Part 5 - Maintaining Our Fizz
Download Sermons & Power Points Separately: $4.00 Each
Life is hard. We get hurt... by people, by loss, by addictions, by depression. And it leaves us "Wounded". This healing series from InnovativeWord.com helps people find healing from some of the wounds they have been carrying around for years. Each sermon and power point is specifically designed to help the hurting and be set free from some of the most devastating wounds of life.
Part 1 - First Aid
Part 2 - Dropping The "F" Bomb! (Forgiveness)
Part 3 - Good Grief
Part 4 - Stop Hitting Yourself (Addiction)
Part 5 - Shut The Door (Dealing With Past Wounds)
Part 6 - Defeating Depression
Love Songs is a powerful and fun relationship series that uses titles of some of the most popular Love Songs ever. It's a series that explains the heart of God and his love for us as the basis of our love for each other. Love Songs is a sermon series based on 1 Corinthians 13 which includes the greatest definition of love in history.
Part 1 - What is Love?
Part 2 - The Power of Love
Part 3 - What's Love Got To Do With It?
Part 4 - Stop In The Name of Love!
Extra Material Included!
When you purchase this series, you'll also get a Guide to help you actually DOUBLE your church's attendance. It's a seven step guide that goes along with this series complete with ideas and links to other resources! Located on the Download Page.